We went on an excursion to Svatý Kopeček on 23 April 2012 to visit the hospice there.
There are patients who are in a terminal (final) stage of life. We liked the hospice because it did not resemble a hospital. There were spacious terraces and a nice environment. For clients there are 30 beds in 24 accommodation units, 18 single rooms, 6 double rooms, each unit consists of a hall, a room with a bed and hygiene unit (shower, sink, toilet). The rooms have a TV and a refrigerator. Hospice care in the Czech republic is highly developed and its founder is Marie Svatošová. The basic idea of hospice care is to ensure that a person will not suffer from pain, human dignity will be respected and at the end of his/her life the person is not is left alone.
There are patients who are in a terminal (final) stage of life. We liked the hospice because it did not resemble a hospital. There were spacious terraces and a nice environment. For clients there are 30 beds in 24 accommodation units, 18 single rooms, 6 double rooms, each unit consists of a hall, a room with a bed and hygiene unit (shower, sink, toilet). The rooms have a TV and a refrigerator. Hospice care in the Czech republic is highly developed and its founder is Marie Svatošová. The basic idea of hospice care is to ensure that a person will not suffer from pain, human dignity will be respected and at the end of his/her life the person is not is left alone.
V rámci exkurze jsme jeli 23. 4. 2012 na Svatý Kopeček u Olomouce, abychom navštívili hospic.
Zde jsou pacienti, kteří jsou v terminálním (konečném) stádiu života. V hospici se nám líbilo, protože nám nepřipomínal nemocniční zařízení. Byly zde prostorné terasy a pěkné okolní prostředí. Pro klienty je připraveno 30 lůžek ve 24 ubytovacích jednotkách, 18 jednolůžkových, 6 dvoulůžkových, z nichž každá jednotka se skládá z předsíně, pokoje s lůžkem a hygienické buňky (sprchový kout, umyvadlo, WC). Na pokojích je TV a lednička. Hospicová péče je v ČR je vysoce rozvinuta a za zakladatelku se považuje Marie Svatošová. Základní myšlenkou hospicové péče je zaručení, že člověk nebude trpět bolestí, bude respektována jeho lidská důstojnost a že na konci svého života nezůstane sám.
Aneta Silberová, Míša Křápková, Petra Králová
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